College assignments are incomplete without presentations. Undergrad, postgrad, and even high schoolers struggle to make their PowerPoint presentations impressive. These projects depend on a bunch of balancing factors i.e., the number of lines, the number of slides, templates, visuals, graphs, and charts, choosing the correct font and font size, etc. But due to lack of time, proper tools, and strategy the result doesn’t always come out as expected.
Well, there is no distinct rule to follow, you just have to play with the features and your ideas. You can take basic ideas from research paper writer penmypaper. The only thing to be cognizant of is to make your PowerPoint presentation look neat, persuasive, and to the point, by not overdoing anything. Let us look into some tricks and tips to help make your project look both formal and presentable.
1.Prepare concise notes
As a presenter, you must focus on the quality and quantity of your presentation. Stick to your agenda. Write down the points you intend to cover on a piece of paper, note pad or whiteboard before starting to design. Top paper writers recommend to cut the lines short and write catchy headlines for each sub-topic.
2.Use appropriate templates
Choose a template design matching your topic and use eye-pleasing and happy colors, like use on their website. It is recommended to leave empty spaces in your slides and not fill the entire page with pictures and writing, or with busy backgrounds.
3.Decide the number of lines per slide
Your teacher may already mention the number of slides or the word count that you can use. Accordingly, write the key bullet points, keeping into account that one slide must not contain more than 5-7 lines. Keep your sentences as short and simple as they can be. You don’t want to make your slides look heavy.
4.Avoid reading
No need to write everything in your PowerPoint presentation, so you end up reading your entire assignment. Use keywords in your slides that will help you instigate your verbal explanations. Be precise and clear.
5.Avoid distracting fonts
Fonts should remain consistent. Use about 2 to 3 font styles and imply corresponding to the headings, sub-headings, and descriptions. You can even italicize or bold the words or phrases that you want to focus on more.
6.Use statistical charts and graphs
Visual data and findings will put weight to your research. It will grasp the attention of your audience. There are plenty of graphical chart options in the PowerPoint tool. You can display your own survey or take a source from big websites.
7.Surprise with animation
To enhance your presentation, amaze your audience with popping cartoon characters or animated videos. But don’t make it longer. Make your teachers and class laugh using relevant memes. Add cartoon noises or soothing background music using tools available widely on the internet.
8.Attribute the key sources
Put an index slide or a table of content at the beginning, for example ‘Points to cover in this presentation.’
End with a reference page. Cite the sources of statistics, important information, and proven theories that you have added to your slides ahead.
9.Don’t overplay
Keep away from over exaggeration. Don’t use too many colors, transitions, complicated words, animations, etc. Your presentation should be professional and neat.
10.Relate with stories
Support your points of explanation with short and intriguing stories. This will elevate the curiosity in the minds of people around.
11.Practice your speech
Prepare yourself for the end game. Rehearse your verbal thestarsfact presentation until you feel confident. Be enthusiastic and flexible with the timing. Know where to go on and where to stop.
12.Rule the stage
Walk to cover the stage and use your hands to explain. Don’t wrinky talk to people, but make it a discussion. Don’t utter ‘Ummmm’ if you forget a point. If you are in a fix just pause a little bit and resume.