Let’s talk about radiant asymmetry, that is, inhomogeneity in the distribution of heat. Think for a moment about where the radiators or stoves are located in your home.
That in the vicinity of the heat sources, the temperature is higher and, as you move away from them, it decreases. For a cold person like me, this means always having to sit near the radiator.
Obviously in these cases there is no mention of thermal comfort, since the temperature is not the same in all parts of the building.
I do not have a fixation for underfloor heating, but the fact is that, to date, it is the most efficient type of system because it emits hot air from below and, since the radiant panels are placed over the entire surface below the tiles, uniform heat is obtained in every room.
Among other things, this is not really a new idea …
The ancient Romans, in their domus (patrician houses) already adopted this type of heating. At that time there were no boilers, but the slaves took care of feeding the fire with wood. At this point I think you have understood what thermal comfort is and the question you might ask now could be.
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How much energy is consumed for heating?
Here, drawing up a precise report is more difficult because you can only officially have the data on the consumption of natural gas for domestic use (i.e. for cooking food, the production of domestic hot water and heating).
The annual per capita consumption then marks considerable differences between the various areas, given that in the south the winter climate is much milder than in the north, while in the mountains the winters are really harsh. However, the Italian annual average is about 390 cubic meters per capita , with the mountain areas that burn about 700/800 cubic meters and those of insular Italy that do not even reach 100 cubic meters.
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The energy redevelopment of apartments
Are houses efficient? Ouch, ouch, unfortunately not.
The real estate assets are quite old, on the other hand it is we Italians who have the oldest historical centers and a large number of medieval villages and so much beauty results into poor energy efficiency.
Does the energy class affect the value of the properties?
As you may have deduced, there are areas where full energy efficiency is of major importance for the harshness of the winter climate.
In the north and in the mountainous areas it is essential to be able to save on heating costs, while in the south the costs for winter air conditioning are practically negligible, while summer air conditioning takes on importance, consequently the energy class affects prices to a different extent according to the area geographic. If, on the other hand, we take into consideration a property in class A, again compared to a similar one in class G, the differences widen.