Cholecystectomy or gallbladder removal surgery is performed to eliminate the appendix-like small bodied organ positioned beneath the liver. The large, pear-shaped organ is responsible for the storage of bile, a substance secreted by the liver with performance of digesting fats. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is required if the gallbladder gets a disease including formation of stones or infection or inflammation.
When Is Gallbladder Surgery Done?
Gallbladder surgery is typically recommended when the organ causes pain or complications due to various conditions, including:
- Gallstones: Fibrous concretions of bilirubin that are green-black pigmented stones or stony-hard masses that can obstruct the bile ducts and cause severe pain (gallbladder attacks), nausea, vomiting, and inflammation. To get rid of gallstones visit a general surgeon in Islamabad at your earliest.
- Cholecystitis: Most commonly occurring due to gallstones, it is an inflammation of the gallbladder causing pain, infection, and, in some cases, fever too.
- Gallbladder Polyps: Benign tumors or growths in the gallbladder that can become a problem when large.
- Pancreatitis: The gallstones may therefore obstruct the pancreatic duct which results in pancreatitis.
- Biliary Dyskinesia: As to Chronic Brother Myasthenic Gallbladder Disease: But a functional disorder wherein the gallbladder does not discharge bile correctly, leading to nausea and some GI issues.
How to Prepare for Cholecystectomy
Before surgery, your general surgeon will likely recommend the following:
- Fasting: You will be required not to consume food and beverages for a certain amount of hours before the surgery is to take place.
- Medical tests: Other tests including analysis of blood, ultrasound or CT may be needed in order to diagnose the gallbladder and general health.
- Medication adjustments: Some of the drugs that can be discontinued before the procedure include anticoagulants because it causes increased bleeding.
During A Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- General anesthesia will be administered and during the whole time of the surgery you will be unconscious.
- The surgeon will then incise the abdomen little and undertake the process of laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
- Carbon dioxide gas is then utilized to fill the abdomen to create the environment that is preferable by the surgeon for easier maneuvering.
- The gallbladder is then meticulously detached and consequently eradicated through one of those small holes.
The normal handling usually takes about 1-2 hours only. As mentioned earlier open cholecystectomy is longer in comparison to the laparoscopic procedure because of the big incision which requires more work to be done.
Cholecystectomy is a routine and comparatively risky operation to remove gallstones and other gall bladder disorders. The traditional procedure of laparoscopic cholecystectomy provides a faster recovery and less discomfort than an open surgery may be required in complicated cases. The majority of patients recover quickly and find that their symptoms are improved for a long time with postoperative changes in diet or lifestyle.