Pain is a tough thing to live with. It can make it difficult for you to sleep and accomplish even the most basic of tasks. For some, pain medication is necessary in order to get through their day. While these drugs may be helping you manage your pain, they are also causing adverse side-effects that have been linked to long-term health problems. If this sounds like something you don’t want to deal with, then acupuncturist Denver could be just what you need! Acupuncture has been proven as an effective alternative treatment for chronic pain management without any adverse effects or addictive properties. In this article, we will talk about how acupuncture works and discuss if it would be a good fit for your needs!
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine that was first used thousands of years ago. It has been proven to have many positive effects, including reducing pain and nausea, as well as helping fight the side-effects caused by some medications. How acupuncture works is by stimulating certain points on your body called “acupoints.” When these points are stimulated, it releases chemicals in your brain that block the sensation of pain. The more acupoints are stimulated, the greater relief you will get from your pain. To help with this process, fine needles are inserted into particular acupoints on your body to release endorphins that work to reduce or eliminate your pain.
What Conditions does Acupuncture Treat?
Acupuncture is proven to be effective at treating many different types of conditions. Some of them include: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Neck Pain, Stomach Aches and Pains (IBS), Menstrual Cramps, Chronic Headaches or Migraines, Osteoarthritis, Knee/Shoulder/Elbow Joint Pain, Hip Pain, Sciatica, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sport Injuries (Prevention), Anxiety and Depression, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Sleep Disorders, Smoking Cessation.
How is Acupuncture Done?
Acupuncturist Denver procedure is done by inserting very fine needles into the specific acupoints on your body. These needles are typically inserted, rotated and then removed within 3-5 seconds of application. This process can be done over your clothing without causing any pain or discomfort (it may cause some temporary bruising).
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Most people describe the feeling of acupuncture as a muscle twitch/twinge! Many people compare it to putting an elastic band on your wrist… where you barely feel it when it’s put on but if you let go, that twang will hurt for a while after. That being said, some patients do find it slightly painful just due to the fact that they’re having needles poked into their skin! If this is you, we recommend taking some Ibuprofen or Tylenol about 10-15 minutes before your appointment to help ease any discomfort.
What are the Benefits of Acupuncture?
Acupuncture has many benefits that can help you manage your chronic pain and other conditions. Some of these include: No Addictive properties , No side effects , Procedures take less than 30 minutes (some take as little as 5 minutes), No anesthesia required , Safe for all ages, Very cost effective compared to over the counter medications/prescriptions .
Are There Risks Involved with Acupuncture?
As long as you have a qualified acupuncturist who is trained in order to do acupuncture, there are no risks involved. Acupuncturist Denver must go through rigorous training to make sure they know how to do the procedure safely. If you are allergic to certain medications/types of anesthesia, it is best to ask your acupuncturist about any possible allergies you may have before having this done!
How much does Acupuncture Cost?
The cost of acupuncture depends on what type of treatment is being performed and how long it takes. The prices at most clinics range from $30 per treatment up to $120 depending on the clinic that you visit.