React.js, also known as ReactJS, or simply as React, is the most popular open-source JS library for UI development. However, it’s essential to note that ReactJS isn’t a JavaScript framework but, as mentioned before, a JavaScript Library that operates predictably and efficiently for UI development.
Keeping in mind that ReactJS was actually developed for user interface creation, the library could easily be categorized and the View in the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern. So, the main questions after this short entry of us speaking about React.js are “How does React work” and “What is ReactJS used for”?
React uses declarative code in the most efficient way if paired with some other libraries, which gives you the liberty to build everything from single-page applications and mobile applications to much more complex applications. All the components for this component/library have been developed exclusively by Facebook, only to have the open-sourced JS tool launched in 2013.
Keeping in mind that the JavaScript library has been a common choice between fellow developers, it would come as no surprise to us if we knew that currently, React is outperforming Angular and Bootstrap, one of the biggest competitors. That’s the reason that the popularity of React devs is increasing and the demand for React developers for hire has never been this high.
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When to Use ReactJS?
Now React isn’t a framework but a library, meaning that it’s also used for rendering and paired with some other libraries, and React isn’t exclusively designed for the web. In many cases, React has given extraordinary results when being used with ReactDOM in web app development projects. Furthermore, they are both being discussed in the same space and utilized to solve similar issues as other web dev frameworks.
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When we’re asked, “What is ReactJS used for?”, people often tend to think about the tech’s main goal and what problems it solves. For React.js, the case is that the tech’s goal is to minimize the errors that tend to repeat themselves when developing a UI.
Aside from the widely used mobile and web apps like Facebook and Instagram, React.js is dominating the field of mobile and web application development in the top Fortune 500 companies.
Among some of the most popular projects where ReactJS is used as the primary UI tech, one can find the project management tool Asana, then businesses in the education sector like Khan Academy and Codecademy. Also, one of the most popular online mediums that use React.js in their UI is the New York Times.
Furthermore, React’s big advantage is that there are no strict rules enforced in terms of file organization or coding conventions. For that specific reason, usually, every team agrees on the best practice for them, and they structure their project up to their convenience. You are indeed able to use ReactJS to create the whole UI of an app. However, nobody limits you and forbids you to use React only for a button or for one part of the UI.
Take a peek at why you should use ReactJS
- It’s a very lightweight library which is one of the reasons why it’s relatively fast to learn
- Only deals with the view layer
- Fast render with Virtual DOM
- ReactJS provides good abstraction in terms of not exposing any of the complex internals to the user
- Uses Facebook’s flux architecture
- Offers great tools among which these two great tools – React Developer Tools and Redux Developer Tools
- React operates on a component based structure
Over the course of the last two decades, everything has changed. However, the web, as well as the tech-stacks, have been some of the things that changed drastically over the years. The main change is that the logic is moving more and more from the backend to the frontend.
Thanks to the increasing demands for more optimized, modular, and efficient UIs managing everything related to your mobile or web application’s frontend with an all-in-one library like the ReactJS is of vital importance.
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No matter if you’re using tech like JSX to create a responsive web app or if you intend to deploy cross-platform mobile apps using React Native, it’s a fact that React.js offers the best of the best of both worlds.
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