Divorce modifications are often necessary when there is a change in the circumstances that either affect or endanger the children. For example, if the custodial parent is remarried and the stepparent has a criminal record of sexual abuse, visitation may be modified to exclude such an individual from contact with minor children.
In some cases, modification may be necessary due to changes in child custody. For example, if at one time one parent had primary custody but for various reasons, both parents should have legal rights going forward, child custody may need to be modified. In other instances, it may be because of changes in residence. You can consult divorce attorneys at The Harris Firm if you would like to make divorce modifications.
Here are the most common divorce modifications in Alabama.
Child custody
Child custody is often one of the common modifications in a divorce. It is where you have joint legal as well as physical custody of your children. In many cases, this will probably involve both parents having equal rights and responsibilities. If there is any disagreement on custody after the divorce, these issues may be considered during divorce modification.
The purpose of visitation is to allow a parent to have contact with a child from time to time even if they are not living in the same household or it’s not for an extended period of time. The duration of this visit may also be a factor that needs to be considered during modification. You can also ask for the visitation schedule in your divorce to be modified based on the circumstances that exist at that time.
Child support
In many cases, child support is something that will be modified during divorce proceedings, mainly because many changes in life conditions may affect a payer’s ability to pay child support. For example, if you had 2 children before your divorce and your new spouse has other children from a previous marriage, your income may be used to provide for these extra children.
Spousal support or alimony
These are payments made by one spouse to another after their divorce. In some cases, this may be modified during the divorce process when unexpected changes alter the financial circumstances of either party. You can consult divorce lawyers in Alabama if you want to modify the spousal support or alimony agreement made during the divorce.